Saturday, Jun 22, 09:06 AM

Organize Gmail Inbox Layout

Organizing Gmail Inbox Layout is the best way to help you save time and make your Gmail Layout tidier and easier to work.

Organize Gmail Inbox Layout
Organize Gmail Inbox Layout

Tip 1: Put more relevant emails on top

Sometimes, you may receive new emails which are normally on top. Do you really want to see them in this position? There are various emails that are important and you want to mark on the top instead of the new unwanted emails. How to do this?

  1. You can see the Gear icon on the top of the WIndow, head to your settings 
  2. You need to click the dropdown beside the inbox type


In the “Inbox Type” You can see five Categories: Default, Important first, Unread first. Starred first, and Priority Inbox

  • Default: It is the layout you see every day, a new email comes in will be on top
  • Important first: Important emails will be placed according to the prediction of Gmail. It is marked with yellow color and is on top of the inbox layout
  • Unread first: all emails in this category will be shown above recent emails. This helps people to accomplish their daily tasks as it can be seen as a to-do list
  • Starred first: all messages in this category will appear first. This is suitable for someone who wants to prioritize their wanted inbox
  • Priority Inbox: Gmail will put messages with which you interacted most in this category


Tip 2: Get rid of tabs you do not use much

There are various tabs that you do not use much so you can disable them in the Primary Tab. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click “Configure Inbox” on the dropdown menu
  3. Choose Tabs you want to enable or disable

Note: When you disable any tabs, all massage of this tab will appear in the Primary tab. be careful!

Tip 3: Use Labels to organize Gmail

The Label system of Gmail includes Inbox, Trash, and Drafts. Labels are a great way to help you organize Gmail. You can add various labels to your Gmail account to filter and search. You can make the color of each color, thus it helps users to manage their inbox efficiently.


Tip 4: Do not write emails for internal conversations

The only way to clog up all inboxes and those of our coworkers is by sending emails for things that may easily be done elsewhere.

Take a topic to a personal meeting if there are numerous facets that need to be addressed or discussed. Inform them in person or over the phone if you have to cancel a meeting, get-together, or interview at the last minute.

If nothing else seems feasible, try Email Notes.

Notes are messages you can send to your teammates that display immediately next to the email thread you're discussing 

Absolutely, you can do back and see all the conservation anytime you want. The context will never lose

Notes are useful when you exchange customer information, offer advice, or do anything else that doesn't require you to write a whole story. Every action taken to clear one's inbox is worthwhile.

Tip 5: Archive emails you do not want in the near future

Some users may spend a lot of time deleting unwanted emails every day. For instance, after making a purchase of an electronic product in a store, you receive various emails related to this store or other products on this. All of them have no benefits for you and you do not want to receive these emails right now and even in the near future. To solve it you need to archive emails

Be careful that archiving emails is not similar to deleting emails. It means that emails will remove from your inbox. You can search to find it again.

To do this, you need to select an email you want to archive, click on the file-like icon on the top of the Window


Tip 6: Use the filter to automate common actions

It is clear that the storage of Gmail is really strong and you can sort various content there. when you want to filter the emails, do not forget to use Gmail. Gmail can help you by labeling, setting priorities, and others


Tip 7: Set up Desktop notifications for new emails

If you use Gmail for business tasks, you will receive various notifications every day. Do you want to see the emails without going to your Gmail account? If yes, you should set up the Desktop notification. Thanks to this, you will see the notification pop up in the top right of the screen and you can check new emails anytime you want.

You need to follow these steps to do this:

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Scroll to “Desktop Notifications”  and click on the radio button 

Tip 8: Turn on Nudges

It's all too easy to miss a crucial email on Gmail thanks to a deluge of spam emails. When you or a receiver hasn't replied to an email, Gmail's Nudge algorithm pushes it back to the top of your inbox. It's ideal if you need to be reminded to send responses or follow-ups to essential emails on a regular basis.

There are two kinds of Nudges in Gmail:

  • Suggest emails to reply to: You may forget to respond to some emails. When you turn on Nudges, these emails will appear
  • Suggest emails to follow up on: all sent emails that require your attention will appear at the top of your inbox.

Tip 9: Star important messages

Gmail makes every effort to recognize which emails (individual messages and threads) are more important to you than others. 'Importance Markers' are frequently used to highlight them (a yellow arrow right next to the star). 

Gmail had markers within the interface until recently that explained why an email was marked as important, as opposed to the "important according to our secret sauce" that it now states.

While Gmail does a good job of appropriately marking the most important emails, it does make mistakes.

Make sure to tag essential messages manually to help the algorithm perform better for you. That way, the system will ultimately pick up on it. Manually adding and removing Importance Markers is one way to accomplish this. Starring messages is another technique to accomplish this.

Individual messages in a single thread are marked with Stars in Gmail, whereas entire email threads are marked with Importance Markers. Using stars and importance markers to structure your Gmail searches will save you time.

Tip 10: Mute conservation

If you're fed up with being sucked into email exchanges between coworkers or customers that don't necessarily impact you? Then Gmail's 'Mute Conversations' function is for you.

When you mute a conversation in Gmail, you won't get any more messages about it in your inbox. All emails added to the conversation after you've muted it will be saved in your Gmail account, but they will be archived automatically. You can still look up the chat and read fresh messages.

To do this, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the conversation and click “More”
  • Choose “Mute”


A chat can always be unmuted. To unmute, simply look for the muted conversation in the email thread and eliminate the "Muted" label.

These are all useful tips that can help you organize gmail inbox layout efficiently ans optomize all functions of Gmail Inbox